A Power Outage Checklist Recommended by Expert Electricians

A sudden power outage late in the evening or at night can be problematic. But before you can call the electricians, you will need to do a few things and keep certain things within reach to help your family or the residents in the building so that they do not meet with accidents.

The checklist that we will be discussing here has been recommended by professional electricians in Brisbane. So, let’s see what you need to include in the list.

  • Don’t Panic – Stay Calm

The first thing you need to do is to stay calm and ask everyone to do the same. Do not panic when the lights are off. 

If you have your phone with you, call the electricians to arrive and get the power supply system in your property checked. However, if you cannot find your phone, if anyone is nearby, ask him or her to give it to you so that you can call the electricians.

  • Don’t Start Moving Around too Much

Though it might be a bit problematic, yet when the power is off, you should not start moving here and there since you might meet with an accident. 

If you are near the staircase, you should not move or if you do wish to move, light up the torch in your mobile phone if you have and then climb up or down slowly.

  • You Must Not Touch any Switches, Circuit Breakers or Wires

Specialists carrying out emergency electrician services in Gold Coast suggest that you should not touch any switches, circuit breakers or wires even when the power is off.

There have been instances where a short circuit has led to shock even when the power was off. So, to avoid hazards like these, stay away from these accessories and call the electrician immediately.

  • Keep Alternative Items to Generate Heat

If you are staying in a cool place and have room heaters installed, you should keep other items to stay warm should the power ever turns off. 

If you have a fireplace, you can keep wood or other things there and keep them burning to make your room hot until and unless the electrician comes and brings back the power.

  • Lanterns, Flashlights and Bottled Water

Reputed electricians in Browns Plains and Calamvale suggest that during a power outage especially at night, you should keep the necessary items with you. 

Since nobody knows when an outage can occur, you will need to keep this near your reach at all times.

  • First-Aid Kit

If by any chance someone gets a minor injury when the power was off, you can quickly do the needful if you have a first aid kid beside you. So, as the owner or administrator of the building, you should keep it with you at all times and inform others about it as well.

  • Fire Extinguisher 

If you notice fire from an appliance, circuit box or wire during the power outage, you will need to extinguish it quickly. For this, add the fire extinguisher to the checklist. Also, like the other items, you should keep them within your reach.

Facing a Power Outage? Call Our Electricians Today

At Links Air & Electrical, we provide electricians in Algester and Springfield besides other places. So, if you are from any of these areas and facing a power outage, call us. Our electricians will reach your place and bring it back up quickly.

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